23 June 2008

Allergy Season

Sometimes, when certain harmless substances are encountered by receptors in some people’s bodies, there is an overreaction by the person’s immune system to the substance causing an outpouring of bodily fluids through the nasal and visual ducts. This causes severe discomfort to the subject and the ability to function normally is disrupted.

Such it is with the summer months in Washington state.

Jeff has been hit by the vilest of allergy attacks that is disrupting his (and my) sleep and hindering his work. Snoring is the reason of the first, and the second is only more obvious… “Hebwo, wub you wike poo bwuy a secwurity swystem?” Let it be known to the world that the over-the-counter drugs known as Claritin and Zyrtec do not effectively treat the symptoms of outdoor allergies (at least they haven’t with Jeff. Maybe they could work with your allergies…) If anyone has any other suggestions, feel free to make them known here. We are open to new ideas, (short of having him wear one of those respirator masks. I don’t think the customers would dig that very much.)

To my utter and absolute horror, I must announce to you that my soul has not been “saved.” While I was working in the office, a crazy looking dude and his son came to our door, wanting my coworker and I to chant to Jesus to forgive us of our sins, after which we could go about our normal lives – not making any changes (except for “accepting Jesus into our hearts”) and staying our same religion, with the firm assurance that we would then have a ticket into heaven. I kindly replied that I believe there are a few more requirements (like baptism and keeping the commandments) to get into heaven and I didn’t think chanting to Jesus was going to help. Of course he tried to rebuke me, even saying to my pregnant coworker that it was especially important for her to do it because she could have “complications” and it would be good to have the assurance that she was going to heaven. We promptly sent him away.

This experience has made me very grateful for the knowledge I have about the true church of Jesus Christ. For more info, check out http://www.lds.org/ or http://www.mormon.org/.


Bill said...

So this is what a blog is! Nice one, Sally and Jeff. I guess. It's the only one I have ever seen.
I do not know what to say about hay fever, Jeff, but I know how it feels, or at least what my version of it feels.
Re the religious guy, just challenge him to read the Book of Mormon. That's what I do with JD's, anyway. They want me to read their literature and I say I will if they will read mine. But they never will read it. So, bye bye.

This guy though was one of the examples of nature's way of saying "Don't touch."

Today in Winn., a guy rode up to the back of the recharge trailer (it was open) on a bicycle and said, "Could you give me your change?" Or something similar. While I was trying to think of a response he rode away. This gave me a chance to think about how to respond to these guys. Next time, I will just ask what he wants to do with the money. If he needs food or drink, I will provide it. I hope that wasn't the Savior in disguise as one of the "least of these" or I might have trouble at the Pearly Gates.
Have a great time. Thanks for sending the LL books. Ain't he great?

Shelley Rampton said...

Oh. Poor Jeffy. He's still a goooood boy, even with a runny nose, etc. I mailed the AlleClear yesterday. Let me know if it helps. I take it Seattle won't be a future home?! Yay- move closer to ME!!!! Love ya, Mom